how to fight defamation

This article provides 3 tips on how to fight defamation.

First, in order to fight defamation, it’s important to know what defamation is and what it isn’t.

Defamation of character occurs when spoken (slander) or written (libel) words harm a person or company’s reputation.

  1. Understand when it is and when it isn’t defamation.
    In order to sue for defamation, there must be a victim. It’s difficult, if not impossible to sue when there is no easily identifiable victim. This can occur if the slander or libel is too general. For example, if a person says, “Farmers are thieves,” there’s no real victim identified. However, if a person says, “John Doe, the farmer, is a thief,” or they say, “John Doe Company, is a thieving company,” then John Doe would have a strong case for defamation.
  1. Stick to the facts. Do not bring up opinions.
    Let actions speak for themselves. For example, f you want to prove that someone is violent, state instances where they have been reportedly violent on multiple occasions. The truth is the best defense against a defamation lawsuit.
  1. Avoid coming across as malicious.
    Malice is the intent to cause harm. During a lawsuit it’s important to stay calm. Avoid getting caught up in the emotions even if your reputation is being attacked. Don’t provide any statements to anyone except your attorney. Do not speak to the police and do not send out letters or statements to the accuser without first consulting an attorney. Most people get in trouble, not because they did something wrong, but because they panicked and acted rashly when they were accused of and being investigated for a wrongdoing. That’s why it’s so important to stay calm and rational and seek expert legal advice.
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